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Karaoke Party


Love is in the air and we decided to celebrate with a Karaoke Party!

Residents brought their pipes for the karaoke and their appetites for the chocolate fountain.

We had all the classics you would want to cover in chocolatey goodness - the cream puffs were the favorite dipping item but the strawberries were a close second.

Everyone got in on the fun…even the Stadium Place team!

One of our residents sang a duet with our very own leasing specialist, Oscar!

Our leasing manager, Sammie brought it home with an impressive solo.

But the crowd favorite was definitely our property manager, Matt taking on a Johnny Cash number.

We had residents that were quite confident with the mic, some just having fun or trying it for the first time and those who were just enjoying the show and hanging out with neighbors. An entertaining night for all!

The Nolo


520 Occidental Ave S Seattle, WA 98104